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Our Story

We are a small human family with a random assortment of none human members.

There is Rusty our Border Collie....

...yes he's a Border Collie not a German Shepherd

An Alexandrine Parakeet called Jamelia, who has a sweet temperament chirping and joining in with the conversation, that is till you go near her then she tries to amputate your fingers!

There is a Degu called Paul (he did have brothers that are no longer with us) he is about 7 years and missing his friends. To complete this random menagerie we have a few temperate water Fish; a couple of  Platys and a Plec.

The none Human members of our family get very excited when we make them new toys, and they wanted us to share our excellent designs with other animals, so we have toys for a variety of animals can be bought from our shop, at ridiculously good prices.

We will also keep you up to date with our silly goings on, new product information, and any animal related world news at "paw prints"

Hope you enjoy the Site xx

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